FEBRUARY 25-26 | $20

Doubt is sometimes seen as a dirty word in the church. But there’s no shame in questioning what you believe and striving to learn more. We serve a God who calls us to love not just with our hearts, but with our minds as well. A God who created us full of questions and curiosities to know more about who he is and who he made us to be. We think faith means more than just blind belief. So if you or a friend/family member have ever felt weighed down by questions and doubts, this is a weekend for you.

Join us as we hang out in a cozy cabin about 45 minutes south of Lexington. The cost covers lodging, two meals, and a book (or two!). Note: space is limited on this retreat, so if you’re interested we recommend signing up quickly! Have questions? Email David.


6:00 pm – Arrive at the cabin (grab dinner on the way)
7:00 pm – Conversation 1: Defining Doubt
9:00 pm – Games, hangout & snacks

8:30 AM – Breakfast
10:00 AM – Conversation 2: Embracing Doubt
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Breakout Conversations:

  • The New Testament on Doubt and Belief
  • Reasons for God’s existence + Faith & Science
  • Why does God care who I sleep with?

2:15 PM – 30 minute break
2:45 PM – Breakout Conversations:

  • The Problem of Evil + God’s hiddenness
  • He is Risen: Trusting the Bible & the Resurrection
  • Caring for doubters: how to talk with those who are doubting

4:00 PM – 30 minute break
4:30 PM – Conversation 3: Combatting Doubt
6:00 PM – Head home!

Christian Student Fellowship